Imagine if a family member or loved one has passed away and you have not been provided with adequate provision from the Deceased’s Estate for your proper maintenance and support. We offer you expert knowledge in challenging or preserving the Deceased’s Will and/or Estate and we have considerable expertise in instigating or defending Part IV Testator Family Maintenance (under the Administration and Probate Act 1958 (Cth)) claims.
We understand that Estate claim cases are complex matters that require the utmost attention and technical expertise, which is why our efficient Estates team will always be able to provide a dedicated approach to your case to ascertain the key issues and determine the best way forward in order to maximum your entitlements. Estate disputes and litigation can have strong emotional and financial impacts on the surviving family members and beneficiaries, which is why at McClure Law, we care about your case and are committed to helping you receive what you are entitled to.
Our skilled Estates team has worked in all matters of Estate litigation, including the following areas:
Disputing the validity of a Will by reason of fraud, duress or doubt as to the Testator’s mental and testamentary capacity.
Maintaining the validity of a Will by reason of the Testator’s mental and testamentary capacity as confirmed by medical letters/reports.
Initiating proceedings against the Deceased’s Estate if you were left out of a Will and you seek adequate provision from the Estate, or if you were included in a Will but you were not adequately provided for.
Defending claims made against the Deceased Estate.