It is essential that you make a Will for the future of your family and your loved ones, or if you wish to distribute your accumulated assets for your general peace of mind. We are able to draft basic or complex Wills to appropriately reflect your wishes and to provide the security of your assets for your intended beneficiaries.
We understand that the distribution of your Estate is a significant life decision, which is why we will always take time to carefully consider the comprehensive nature of your Will, including:
Your list of beneficiaries, which can include friends, family and charitable organizations.
Any specific bequests of assets or funds to your beneficiaries, or a more general division of a percentage share of your Estate to your beneficiaries.
Any exclusion clauses to prohibit people from sharing in your Estate.
Funeral provisions and burial/cremation instructions.
Appointment of guardians for your minor children (including Trustee clauses).
Setting up a Testamentary Trust.
A time may arise when you are incapable of handling your own affairs and you require an attorney to act on your behalf. In such a circumstance, McClure Law can draft Power of Attorney documents to appoint an attorney of your choice to act on your behalf and more importantly, to act in your best interests.
You may require a Financial Power of Attorney, if, for example, you need to travel overseas for an extended period of time and you require someone trustworthy in Australia to perform banking duties or sign financial documents, such as contracts or agreements, on your behalf.
As well, an Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker is a worthwhile safeguard in the event that you become incapacitated, and you require a dependable person to make decisions about medical treatment on your behalf.
No matter what situation you are facing, our legal team has proficient experience in setting up Powers of Attorney documents to assist you with the current and future management of your affairs, so that any decisions that you are unable to make can be made by your trusted attorney.